Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2017 » FESTA 2017 » 02 SEP 2017 - 44th ANNIVERSARY CROWNING THE BAMBINA

Forty Four years ago to the date, the statue of the Bambina was crowned by the late then Bishop of Gozo Mgr Nicholas J Cauchi. Every year the anniversary is solemnly celebrated. As usual every year, Mass for Sick and Elderly was said in the morning, Fr Michael Camilleri, Hon Canon of the Xaghra Chapter celebrating. After the reading of the Gospel, several of the Congregation received the Sacrament of Anointing with the Holy Oils. Each one was presented with a photo of Our Lady of Fatima, this year marking the first centenary of the apparitions.

DSC_0102 Bishop Cauchi crowns the Bambina

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