Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2017 » HOLY WEEK AND EASTER » 15 APR - EASTER VIGIL AND MASS

Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Xaghra Archpriest was the principal celebrant at Easter Vigil and Easter Mass that followed. The Vigil started with the Service of Light. Outside of the Church, on the church parvis Mgr Refalo blessed the New Fire and preparedt the Paschal Candle inserting five grains of incense into the candle and lighting it with the New Fire. Inside the Basilica, in pitch darkness, the faithful lit their candles form that light. Then followed the Easter Proclamation. The Liturgy of the Word was then read by several parishioners ending up with Archpriest Refalo intoning the Gloria. Mass then resumed with the Liturgy the Eucharist with the Liturgy of Baptism. An English senior citizen received the Sacrament of Baptism..The Voci Angeliche Choir, under the direction of Mrs Grace Vella accompanied on the organ by Mro Ivan Attard animated the singing. Mass ended with the singing of the Alleluia. After Mass, the faithful were invited for warm drinks and cake on the Church parvis. Photos Mr Mannie Buhagiar.


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