Xaghra Parish » Gallery » Christmas 2008 » 05 DEC 08 CELEBRATING ST NICHOLAS FEAST

Since its inception four years ago, the Society ˜Christmas In Xaghra` came up with the idea to celebrate St Nicholas Feast for schoolchildren. It was appropriate as the Saint`s feast is so near to Christmas and the Saint so well known among children as Santa Claus. What drove the Society as well was that the Bishop Emeritus of Gozo, Mgr Nicholas Cauchi, will be celebrating the feast of his patron saint on that day. Every year something got in the way keeping Santa Claus back on the 6th December. This year, finally, the Society`s efforts met with success. Since this year the feast fell on a Saturday, with the full co-operation of the School Head, Mr Rapa, and his staff, it was celebrated in the Primary School on Friday, 5th December. The children gathered in the School Assembly Hall encircling an altar in the middle of the Hall. Posters with scenes from the Nativity formed the background. On one side an old framed picture and a small statue of the Saint stood on a table. On the other side a small crib stood next to the Advent Wreath. H. L. Bishop Cauchi assisted by the School Spiritual Director, Can. Anthony Refalo, celebrated Mass. The Bishop`s personal secretary was in attendance. Before Mass started, the School Head, Mr Joseph Rapa gave a welcoming speech to His Lordship. He was followed by two children reading the story of St Nicholas. During the celebration, the whole young congregation sang carols and Mass hymns. They were very well prepared for the occasion and sang beautifully. The Lessons were read by Mr Rapa and the Assistant Head Ms. Mary Anne Zammit. Children read the Prayers of the Faithful and others went up with Mass offerings After Mass, Bishop Cauchi was shown around the School Crib Exhibition by members of the Society, Ghaqda ˜Il-Milied fix-Xaghra`. He had congratulatory words for the different types of cribs all made by the school children. He was then invited for coffee and ended signing the Visitors` Book. This first ever celebration of the feast of St Nicholas was a great success, appreciated by the School and went down well with the children.

A1 School Head Mr Rapa addressing students
A3 Statue and old picture of St Nidholas
A4 Posters depicting scenes from the Nativity
A5 School Advent wreath
A6 Schoolchildren encircle the altar
A7 view of School Hall
A8 Victor Agius making finishing touches to crib
A9 The altar
B1 Singing before Mass
B2 H.L. Bishop Cauchi entering the Hall
B3 Can A Refalo, Spiritual director accompanies Bishop
B4 School Head welcomes the Bishop
B5 two students narrate life of St Nicholas
B6 Start of Mass
B7 Asst Head Ms Zammit reads the First Lesson
B8 School Head Mr Rapa - Second Lesson
B9 Spritual Director Can Refalo - the Gospel
C1 Bishop Cauchi - The homily
C2 Prayers of the Faithful

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