Xaghra Parish » Gallery » Christmas 2008 » 25 DEC 08 MIDNIGHT MASS

A1 On a calm Christmas Night
A2 Victory Square on Holy Night
A3 Choir Voci Angeliche singing Carols at 11 pm
A4 Sem Mario Curmi providing the music
A5 Ms Grace Vella directing her Choir
A6 Vetch (Gulbiena) grown in darkness lightens the presbytery
A7 Faithful gathered early in Basilica
A8 Louis Bajada the Holy Night's animator
A9 Cross leads procession
B1 Deacon A Bajada carries the Bible
B2 Altar boys in procession
B3 The Collegiate Mace precedes the Chapter
B4 Arch Mgr Carmelo Refalo walks to the High Altar
B5 Start of Christmas Vigil
B6 Psalm reading
B7 Faithful participating in vigil
B8 Deacon Bajada approaches the covered statue of Jesus
C1 Archpriest incensing the image of Baby Jesus
C2 Carrying the statue to the front doot in nave

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