Xaghra Parish » Gallery » Christmas 2008 » 25 DEC 08 MIDNIGHT MASS

C3 Baby Jesus relayed to High Altar by students
C4 Baby Jesus relayed to High Altar by students
C5 Baby Jesus relayed to High Altar by students
C6 Baby Jesus relayed to High Altar by students
C7 Baby Jesus relayed to High Altar by students (4)
C8 Baby Jesus relayed to High Altar by students (5)
C9 Baby Jesus relayed to High Altar by students
D1 Baby Jesus relayed to High Altar by students
D2 Last student hands over Baby Jesus to Deacon Bajada
D3 Deacon holds high baby Jesus for all to see
D4 Placing statue in 'gilandra' on High altar
D6 Archpriest incensing the image of Baby Jesus
D7 Start of Mass
D8 Baby Jesus sits cosily in 'Gilandra'
D9 First Lesson
E1 Second Lesson
E3 Singing Halleluia (1)
E3 Singing Halleluia (2)
E4 The Gospel

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