Xaghra Parish » Gallery » Christmas 2008 » 28 NOV 08 SCHOOL CHILDREN TUTORED IN CRIB MAKING

Every year, towards the end of November, the ˜Ghaqda Il-Milied fix-Xaghra`, society ˜Christmas in Xaghra` promotes the crib among school children by organizing lectures in crib making for Year 4 students. This is done in collaboration with the Head of the School. This year it was held on 28th November. Mr. Victor Agius, President of the Society and Mr. John Attard, both well versed in the art of all forms of crib making, showed the children how to make a papier mache manger using a cardboard box. They showed them what media they should use (cardboard, glue, newspaper, coloured powder, etc), emphasizing the benefit of using recyclable material. They gave them a lesson in perspective, how to decorate a crib, what they should look for to make trees, that they should be careful not to, for example, removing green live thyme branches from its habitat. They were warned to seek adult help especially when making lights for the crib and never to do the latter on their own as it can not only be dangerous but even fatal. The students asked many questions signifying the interest they take in these lectures. In the end, they were encouraged to make a crib for the School Crib Exhibition.

A1 John Attard
A2 John and Victor Agius at work
A3 Children shown how to use a cardboard box
A4 Note line on side of box where to cut up
A5 The box after side cut up
A6 Comparing box with completed crib
A7 marking where to cut an opening
A8 John explians how to use glue
A9 Victor shows design how to make ahouse
B1 Preparing to fix the sides of the crib
B2 Explaining the glue mixture
B3 Showing how to cut up newspapers
B4 children help making balls with newspapaers
B5 John gluing the sides of the box
B7 Box taking shape of cave
B8 Rocky face of cave taking shape
B9 end of day's session
C1 School rightly boasts of winning environmental green flag

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