Xaghra Parish » Gallery » Christmas 2008 » 29 DEC 08 INVESTITURE OF NEW ALTAR BOYS

E5 Parents make the offerings
E6 Parents make the offerings
E7 Offertory
E8 Sanctus
E9 Consecration
F1 Consecration
F2 Prayers after Consecration
F3 Can Refalo in prayer
F4 This is the Body and Blood of Christ
F5 The Lord's Prayer
F6 Message of peace
F7 Exchanging message of peace with Archpriest
F8 Exchanging message of peace with new altar boys
F9 Invitation to Holy Communion
G1 Holy Communion
G2 Holy Communion
G3 Archpriest's message
G4 Benediction
G5 End of Mass
G6 all the altar boys of the Basilica

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