Xaghra Parish » Gallery » Festa 2008 » 05 SEP 08 CHILDREN'S NOVENA AND MASS FOR THE ELDERLY

Morning service started at 9.00 a.m. with the novena for children - the penultimate day of Novena, Mgr Archpriest Carmelo Refalo velebrating. After Mass, the children gathered on the Church parvis and each received a small wooden cross which had been earlier blessed by Mgr Refalo. This was followed at 10.00 a.m. with Mass celebrated for the sick and the elderly, the day being dedicated to them. Can Joseph Sultana, Chaplain at the Gozo General Hospital, said Mass. After prayers of the faithful, Can Sultana, assisted by Can. Anthony Refalo Rapa and Fr Michael Galea anointed several of the elderly present with the Holy Oils.

E4 Altar of St Maurice
E5 Altar of Our Lady of Mt Carmel

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