Xaghra Parish » Gallery » Festa Nazzarenu 2008 » 11 OCT O8 FEAST OF NAZZARENU - VOCATIONS DAY

In anticipation of the feast of Christ the King to be celebrated at Nazzarenu on Sunday 19th October 2008, a novena is held. The third day, Saturday 11th October was dedicated to Religious Vocations. Celebrating Mass was the Gozo Seminary Rector, Fr Daniel Xerri who hails from the Nazzarenu Community. Canon Anthony Refalo Rapa, the Church's Rector, concelebrated with him while Seminarian Simon Cauchi assisted. After the homily an investiture of two young boys as new altar boys took place. Fr. Xerri first addressed their parents who then read the vows promising to help their children in their new vocation. It was then the turn of the two boys, Luke and Matthew Gatt to approach the celebrant. He addressed the boys explaining to them what their new role in the Church asks of them. He told them that they had to be exemplary to others more than before as they would henceforth be seen closer to the altar. The boys vowed that they would serve the altar and the Church diligently and faithfully. Fr Xerri then blessed them and helped the boys put on the habit of altar boys. It is interesting to note that the boys are closely related, Matthew being the uncle of Liam who is two months elder than him. The Choir of the Altar Boys of the Basilica accompanied on the organ by Seminarian Mario Curmi animated the singing. Mrs Victoria Xerri, mother of Fr Daniel was Mass animator. A small reception followed in which Liam and Matthew cut the cake. High Tea then followed at the Jesus of Nazareth Centre.

G7 Caterers wait to go into action
G8 Plates ready to be filled up with snacks
G9 Hot pies arrive
H1 Adding sausage rolls to the plates
H2 The turn of pies arrives
H3 Bingo
H4 Bingo
H5 Bingo
H6 Bingo
H7 Bingo
H8 Bingo (5)
H9 Carmen Borg drawing the bingo numbers
I1 Outside, a bright moon lights the calm night

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