Xaghra Parish » Gallery » Festa Nazzarenu 2008 » 13 OCT 08 FEAST OF NAZZARENU - FAMILY FEAST

Monday 13th October 2008 was dedicated to the Family. All families of Nazzarenu Community were invited particularly those who were celebrating their Silver Jubilee Wedding, couples who were married this year and couples raising babies. The latter were asked to bring with them their babies and present them to the Celebrant during Mass. Fr Anthony Teuma, who resides in the shadow of the Church, concelebrated Mass with the Rector, Can. Anthony Refalo Rapa. Fr Teuma is the Bishop`s delegate for Family Affairs in the Diocese. Marvic Galea animated Mass while members of the Group Broadcasters accompanied a Choir of young girls led by Sr Michela. The church was packed with the faithful. Many responded the Rector`s call and brought their babies with them, babies just a few weeks of being born. The couple Joseph and Rose Bartolo read the Lessons and sang the Psalms. After the homily the two couples, Bartolo and Grech who are this year celebrating their Silver Jubilee wedding renewed their marriage vows at the altar joined by all married couples standing among the congregation. A couple who got married this year read the Prayers of the Faithful. The offerings were presented by the family of Fr Teuma`s sister, the Camilleri family. After the offertory, couples with babies took turns to go to the altar where Fr Teuma prayed on each one before presenting them to the congregation who applauded each time the child was held high up for all to see. Nine couples presented ten babies, led by Tony and Doris Grech with their few weeks` old baby girl. After the final prayers, young soprano Francesca Borg gave a beautiful interpretation of The Ave Maria accompanied on the organ by Ivan Attard. The couples with babies were then presented with a memento of the occasion. The Bartolo and Grech families, celebrating their Silver Wedding Anniversary and the couple married this year were presented with a framed photo of the painting of the Holy Family which hangs in the Church. After Mass the Bartolo and Grech families were called once more to cut a delicious cake. Champagne soon started flowing.

J3 The 'Caterers'
J4 Champagne flows

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