Xaghra Parish » Gallery » Festa Nazzarenu 2008 » 15 OCT O8 FESTA NAZZARENU - CHILDREN'S DAY
This day was dedicated to Children with particular emphasis on the Missions. It was appropriate, therefore, that today`s celebrant was Fr Giovanni Cefai MSSP who hails from Zebbug, Gozo and running a mission in Peru`, the Parish of the Holy Cross, La Tomilla, Arequipa. The children`s choir under the direction of Sr Michela animated the singing. The covers of the music books all had a letter and together they read ˜KRISTU SULTAN TAL-POPLI KOLLHA` which means ˜Christ King of All Peoples`. To continue with the missionary message, during Mass Offerings the children offered a World Globe and circles with the names of the five continents. The circles were hung on the front of the altar piece for the rest of the Mass while the globe was placed on the altar. Collection which followed was presented to Fr Cefai in aid of his mission. After Mass, the children present were handed balloons with the colours of the five continents, each one carrying a message written by them attached to it. Out on the parvis, the children let loose the balloons and which like a ray of light and hope quickly disappeared into the darkness of the night sky. Finally the children converged on the Community Centre where they were entertained with snacks and drinks in the company of Ms Clown. Earlier in the day, at 10.00 in the morning, special Mass was celebrated by Mgr Eucaristico Sultana, Archpriest Emeritus of Xaghra, and Can. Joseph Sultana for the sick and the elderly of the parish. During Mass the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick was celebrated. After Mass, those present were entertained to drinks and snacks by the ˜Day Centre` of the Xaghra Local Council. at the Jesus of Nazareth Centre,Rating 5.0 (1 vote)