Xaghra Parish » Gallery » Archive » June 2013

830 Hits for June 2013

36 Meeting Mayor's wife Mrs Carmen Cordina
37 Local Councillor Ms Maria Grima welcomes the Cardinal
38 Gozo Police Superintendent
39 The Seminar resumes
40 Meeting choristers from Voci Angeliche Choir
41 Meeting choristers from Voci Angeliche Choi
41 Ms Maria Attard with findings and proposals of Caritas Commission
42 Meeting choristers from Voci Angeliche Choi
42  Mr Louis Bajada with findings and proposals of Commission on Liturgy
43  Mr Louis Bajada with findings and proposals of Commission on Liturgy
43 The Local Council
44 Moving to the Chapel of the Holy Eucharist
44  Ms Maria Curmi with findings and proposals of Commission on Catechesis
45  Ms Maria Curmi with findings and proposals of Commission on Catechesis

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