Xaghra Parish » Gallery » Randan 2008 » 20 MAR 08 MAUNDY THURSDAY

This day, commemorating the Last Supper on the eve of His passion and death, Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist. Maundy Thursday is the Day dedicated to the Priesthood. It was on this day that Jesus appointed the first priests of the Church with the power to change bread into his Body and wine into His Sacred Blood when he told the gathered Apostles and gave them the mandate œDo this in Memory of me. Xaghra joined the Universal Church in this commemoration. Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo was the principal celebrant during Concelebrated Solemn Mass. Before it got off to a start, a married couple whose son will be baptized during the Easter Celebration, a lady who looks after the sick and two young people who will be receiving the Sacranent of Confirmation this year went up to the Archpriest with the Holy Oils which had been sanctified earlier in the day by Bishop Grech at the Gozo Cathedral. They presented him with the Oil of Baptism, the Oil of the Sick and the Oil of Confirmation respectively. Mgr Refalo then placed the Oils on the High Altar for the duration of Mass. The Lessons were read by Mary Muscat, a member of the Spigolatrici della Chiesa, who consecrated her life to God. Altar boy Mario Curmi sang the Psalms while another altar boy, Joseph Hili, read the Second Lesson. Mgr Eucharist Sultana, Archpriest Emeritus of Xaghra read the Gospel. After his homily, Archpriest Refalo washed the feet of twelve men representing the twelve Apostles. This is a re-enactment of what took place in the Cenacle when Jesus put on an apron and washed the feet of the disciples thereby showing that He came to serve and not to be served. Jesus wanted the apostles to do to others what he had done to them with a message that the priest was to be the servant of God and His people. When Prayers of the Faithful were read, four priests went down among the congregation collecting money which will go into a fund at the Curia to be used to help priests in need. The Mass Offers were made by six persons including the parents of Can. Joseph Sultana, Rita and Loreto Sultana. Mass was animated by Louis Bajada, Joe Bartolo and Ms Sciberras. The singing was animated by the Choir ˜Voci Angeliche` under the direction of Mrs Grace Vella with the Choir`s Musical Director Ronald Camilleri at the organ. The ceremony ended with the Blessed Sacrament transferred in solemn procession to the Altar of Repose where it was to stay until the Adoration of The Cross ceremony on Good Friday. Immediately, the faithful started making the Seven Visits to the Altar of Repose. First to start in Xaghra was organized by the Committee of the Victory band Club for its members conducted by the Society`s Spiritual Director Canon Julian Refalo Rapa.

B8 The Second Lesson
B9 Men representing 6 Apostles
C1 Men representing the other 6 Apostles
C2 Mgr E Sultana - The Gospel
C3 Congregataion in left hand aisle
C4 Congregation in Nave
C5 Congregation in right hand aisle
C7 'This is the Word of God' end Gospel reading
C8 Mgr Archpriest - the homily
C9 During the homily
D1 During the homily
D2 During the homily
D5 Meditating on the homily
D6 Washing of feet - 1st Apostle
D7 Washing of feet - 2nd Apostle
D8 Choristers singing
D9 Washing of feet - 3rd Apostle

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