Xaghra Parish » Gallery » Scenery » Ramla

06-10-01 (8)
06-10-01 (9)
06-10-01 (10)
007 view of Xaghra
008 further in towards il-Marbat
009 Bathing mid October - nice'n cool
010 peace and solitude
010 there it is - on the seabed
011 off il-Marbat
012 the whole shoreline
012  Xaghra in the distance
014 beauty at its best
015 Ghajn Barrani looms in the distance
016  one of the Wonders of the World
017 Thank you oh God for giving us Ramla
018 not hot lava but cool clay
019 and the small rock lives on and on
hp photosmart 720
021 yellow white green grey blue He made the hue

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